Interesting/useful/fun stories to check out over the weekend (Warning: Highly Bookmarkable). A weekly roundup of links curated by Frank Rocco. (Image: Frank Rocco)
How a Photographer Found Peace After 9/11
Sara Bennett: On Their Own: Women Over 90
Adobe Teases Firefly Video Model That Brings Instantaneity To Filmmaking
Vintage: Historic B&W photos of Towns in Switzerland (1890s)
The Soul Of Morocco: Masterful Black And White Travel Photography By Hengki Koentjoro
“I did not set out to shoot so many pregnant women”: Brianna Caprozzi’s honest images of sisterhood
The Creative Pause: Why We Need to Stop Asking “What’s Next?”
How an Award-Winning Aerial Cinematographer Tells Stories from the Skies
An unnerving portrait of the USA’s fractured society
Hummingbird photography for National Hummingbird Day
“Close to Home” by Photographer Kalum Ko
Long Ago, Working Under the Ground