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Wednesday, July 1 @ 3pm ET
Marketing and Mindfulness: two essential components of business success that are needed now more than ever.
Getting the attention of potential clients has always been a challenge. Today’s information-overloaded, short-attention-span economy – one that now also has an overlay of fear and anxiety due to the pandemic – makes it even harder, but also more important.
Every so often, you realize you have to upgrade to your imaging software to continue do what you do best. But do you know that you also need to upgrade your photo business software as well? Not just your business software applications but also your “mental software.” Upgrades in both those areas can help you achieve a greater level of success.
Join Carolyn Potts, current creative consultant and former successful photographers’ rep, as she and Tom Kennedy discuss the foundational tools she’s used to create career success.
For over three decades Carolyn represented A-list photographers to clients across the globe – through the three previous “worst recessions ever!” As a coach and consultant, she now empowers photographers achieve their own success.
In this webinar, Carolyn will share stories of the interesting and surprising connection between effective marketing and mindfulness. Along with some tools that you can begin to use right away to support you on the path to your success. Join in![/vc_column_text][divider line_type=”No Line”][nectar_btn size=”jumbo” open_new_tab=”true” button_style=”regular” button_color_2=”Extra-Color-2″ icon_family=”none” text=”REGISTER NOW” url=”https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_tFsu8vEPSbC6sTRnN8hGJQ”][divider line_type=”No Line”][vc_column_text]
Meet the Speaker: Carolyn Potts