Your Participation Requested in ASMP Member Services Survey

by | Jun 4, 2019 | Strictly Business Blog, Surveys

© Lindsay Sisting

© Lindsay Sisting

As a trade organization focused on delivering members a variety of quality member services to support and advance a member’s goals in business and professional development, the executive and operational teams at ASMP are keenly aware that member services must be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure that ASMP is providing a quality foundation of benefits that serves the needs of members. To gather information about members’ opinions of ASMP member services, we request your participation in the ASMP Member Services Survey by June 12th.

While there are a couple of questions in the survey that request you to rank member services, the final question is an open question requesting your suggestions and comments, so that you may convey to us what is important to you as a member. Your input will assist us in making more informed decisions about updating services that will be offered to members in the coming year.

Thank you in advance for your participation in the survey.

Thomas R. Kennedy
ASMP Executive Director

