What goes on between a someone’s ears can oftentimes be a more important component to their success than their photographic talent and/or their business savvy.
How do we come to finally and consistently do what we need to do to achieve our goals?
What sabotages us?
Can we really make the changes we want?
Because I want to be as effective as I can in my career in helping photographers be successful, I’m very curious about what causes some people to succeed and some to fall short. I’m fascinated by all the components that can lead to people’s success in life.
A few of books that I’ve been recommending lately are:
The Power of Habit:
Why We Do What We Do
in Life and Business
The Shallows:
What the Internet Is
Doing to Our Brains
Loving What Is:
Four Questions
That Can Change Your Life
There are of course, some great TED Talks related to those subjects. But I usually hear about cool research, as it relates to creativity, on a couple of my favorite radio programs: NPR’sScience Friday and the CBC’s program: Paul Kennedy’s IDEAS.
Now… to find that time for holiday reading in between shoveling snow!!