Read or Listen: CASE ACT: Will Posting Memes Or Pro Wedding Pics Land You In Copyright Small Claims Court?

by | Mar 16, 2021 | CASE, Copyright, Member Spotlight, Strictly Business Blog

Screenshot of article posted on NPR

Image © Jeff Sedlik

Cross-posted from NPR. [By Neda Ulaby] 

Editor’s Note: Jeff Sedlik is an ASMP Professional Member.

“When Jeff Sedlik opens up Amazon, he sees his work for sale all over the place. A successful commercial photographer, his photos are easily spotted on T-shirts, hats, bibs, mugs, calendars, cellphone cases and so forth.

Few of those sellers use his work with permission. Instead of legally licensing Sedlik’s pictures — which include a haunting 1989 portrait of jazz legend Miles Davis — they pull images off the Internet and slap them on products quickly bought from printing companies such as Red Bubble and Café Press. While strangers profit from his work, Sedlik doesn’t see a dime. There’s little, he says, he can do to protect himself.

‘As fast as I can, I send what are called DMCA takedown notices to Amazon and they sometimes take [the products] down, and when they do, they come right back up within a week,’ Sedlik explains. ‘And if I want to go to federal court, I need to engage a lawyer. And if I want to engage a layer, it’s very expensive.’

That’s where the CASE Act comes in.”

Read or Listen: Will Posting Memes Or Pro Wedding Pics Land You In Copyright Small Claims Court?
