Orphan Works

by | Oct 21, 2015 | Strictly Business Blog

The following on-demand recording comes from Separating Fact from Fiction: What Every Visual Artist Should Know About The Copyright Review Process,  a 6-part program featuringJune Besek, Executive Director of the Kernochan Center for Law, Media and the Arts at Columbia Law School, intellectual property attorney Nancy Wolff of Cowan DeBaets Abrahams & Sheppard LLP and professional photographer and past ASMP President, Richard Kelly. The series was developed by the ASMP, DMLA, GAG, NPPA, PPA and APA, and produced by Judy Herrmann.

Part 3: Orphan Works

As Richard Kelly notes in the introduction to this 17 minute video, “It seems these days that if you get more than one artist together and the conversation turns to copyright, someone brings up  two words: Orphan Worksand then the debate starts.

The question of what to do about copyrighted works whose owner cannot be easily identified or located has created huge tensions both between artists and the cultural institutions that wish to share those works with the public and within the photography industry itself.   In this segment on Orphan Works,  we look at what artists need to know about studies and reports on the Orphan Works issue recently released by the Copyright Office.

