ASMP Portland: pdxsquared – April 25th-26th

Our neighbors to the south, ASMP Portland, are reviving their pdxsquared project after a pause that started during the COVID era. This is a really fun, collaborative project limited to 75 photographers. Not only is everyone documenting their assigned section of the city but each person is assigned to a pod, and has the opportunity to spend their editing time with the other seven members in their pod.
Anyone can join the project, with discounted fees for ASMP/NANPA/OPPA members. There are six categories for your entries in the contest, plus there are four craft categories that reward excellence in craft and technique. Discounted gear rental is available through Pro Photo Supply (Portland).
To get full details and to sign up to be notified when registration opens read all the information and documentation on the 2025pdxsquared website!