Meet the Board: Josh Burke

©️ Josh Burke

This year ASMP Seattle Northwest will be holding elections to fill our board. Over the last few years (thank you, COVID) board membership has dwindled. The goal is to fill all positions this year. We’ll have more information on elections and positions in a future post. In this post, we’d like to tell you about one of the scrappy members who’ve been holding down the fort the last few years.

Josh Burke – Seattle, Washington

Josh has been a member of ASMP since 2005.  He’s held office since 2015 and been Co-President, Vice-President of Communications and is the person we rely on for some of the more technical aspects of managing the chapter.

Josh shoots event photography and he is a digitech. His ASMP membership allows him to network and become acquainted with more local people in the industry. In addition to his areas of specialty, Josh also enjoys flying drones.

Josh’s Website and Instagram

Photo of Josh © John Keatley