First Tuesday Networking Am Coffee meet Develop@Parkwood

First Tuesday Networking Coffee

Tuesday, March 5th at Develop @ Parkwood Photography Studio

Come be part of your local creative community at ASMP Arizona/Phoenix’s monthly First Tuesday morning social! Anyone is welcome to join us as at Develop @ Parkwood Photography Studios (in the Phoenix Photo District building).

We’ll begin the discussion at 9:30am over coffee and donuts. How’s Your Public Speaking? Paul will be here from Last Month’s Meeting He will have some pointers for folks on interview & public speaking! We’ve got water too! Bring yourself and your latest gear, questions, projects, or problems to discuss.

Parking will be available in the back (behind the studio) or in the front (along McDowell Rd).

As always, our thanks to Nicholas Pappagallo Jr. for hosting at the studio.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019
9:30–11:30 am

Develop @ Parkwood Photography Studio
2222 E McDowell Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85006

Info & RSVP:
ASMP AZ/PHX Events Calendar