It’s ASMP Oregon Election Season

ASMP Oregon is looking to elect new officers next month. If you are interested in standing for any of the open positions (President, Vice-President, Treasurer) please contact Michael Shay at your name will be placed in consideration.

Any type of ASMP Membership is sufficient to hold the Vice-President or Treasurer position. The President position requires a full professional membership. 

We are always looking for additional volunteers for the ASMP Oregon Board.  If you passionate about protecting creator rights, want to learn all the tricks of running a good business, using social media, planning events, working with sponsors and non-profits or even just talking to other successful photographers – please think about joining us in helping make a difference in our creative community. Your voice and participation are what make things work!

In the meantime, if you want to know what ASMP Oregon is doing to help you check out our website at