Getting Serious About SEO
Coming Wednesday
The first time Blake Discher spoke in New Orleans, photographers in attendance immediately responded. They went online and bought some of the best domain names you can imagine. I, too, followed that one, little piece of advice and it served me so very well over the next ten years.
And there was LOTS of great advice at that event. Blake’s been at this a long time, helping photographers grow their business. He knows what he’s talking about. I hope you’ll join us next Wednesday.
Detroit commercial photographer Blake Discher of GO-SEO will help you learn how you can implement both on-page and off-page Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques to boost your site’s ranking in the leading search engines. He’ll cover a wide range of topics including correct page title tags, how to create an effective and optimized META description tag, keyword research, and how to integrate search keyword phrases into your websites copy. You’ll learn back-linking methodology through the efficient use of your blog, what search engines consider to be spam, and SEO terminology so that you can do most of the work yourself.

Wednesday, March 14
Social begins at 6:30pm; Speaker begins at 7.
Free for ASMP members. $10 admission for non-members
REGISTER HERE – Space is limited.
Pre-registration is requested and advised.
Walk ups welcomed on a space-available basis.