Open Call for Art

PHOTO: Ashok Sinha
The New York Chapter of The American Society of Media Photographers, is excited to feature the work of photographers for inclusion in our online exhibitions. Creatively themed around the current times, including: social distancing, working from home, and isolation.
- Your work must fit into one of the four categories outlined in the application form.
- Each category will be curated by a member of ASMP NY’s Fine Art Committee.
- There will be five photos selected from each category.
- Work must have been created on or after March 1, 2020.
- Please do not submit more than one photo per category.
- Photographers will always own copyright to their images, and we will not share or post work submitted, without consent.
- You need not be a member of ASMP to apply.
Free for current ASMP members. Members, use code: ASMPMember2020
Non-members must pay a $5 fee, per application. This fee will be donated to ASMP NY.
If you have questions, send them to:

ASMP is the premier trade association for professional photographers in this country. We promote education, better business practices, and ethics and provide a united voice to advocate for photographers’ rights on Capitol Hill and in the courts.