Brain Trust

ASMPNY Braintrust Program

ASMPNY’s groundbreaking Braintrust Program has been in operation for almost a year. Members meet in small focused peer groups where they share information and advice and help each other work towards career goals.

Feel like you don’t have enough significant interaction with your peers?
Having pricing or other business-related issues? Want to develop your career
but don’t know exactly how? Then the ASMPNY Project Braintrust might be for
you. Make some connections, exchange information and resources, bounce some
ideas around, and get constructive advice from your peers. Meetings are
monthly. Marketing advice, portfolio reviews, negotiation, rights, or how to
research and shoot personal work, etc. — it’s up to you!

Participation is FREE for ASMP members, Emerging, Associate, and General.
“The best part about the braintrust is having a group of people to call on
who deal with the same day to day issues that you do – it’s the benefit of
having a dialogue in a business that can often be solitary. ” — Brooklyn
Braintrust member Jacob Blickenstaff

To participate in a Brain Trust group, start here.

ASMP membership is a prerequisite.