ASMP NY Video Library

ASMP Academy Videos

Over the past 2 years ASMP NY has been providing digital programing and we are happy to make most of our online events available to members only as a part of the ASMP Academy.  Please navigate to the academy to view the following videos:

  • Skillshare: Joe Lombardo // Create an Effective Marketing Plan Using Your Creative DNA
  • Skillshare: Michael McWeeney // So You Want To Make A Book
  • Portfolio Review Prep // El-Amin, Lombardo & Séverin
  • Skillshare: Stefanie Dworkin // Intro to Adobe Premiere Pro for Photographer
  • Skillshare: Annie Watt // Retouching – How To Salvage A Bad Photo
  • Alternative Printing Processes with Jon Cone and Eric Luden

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Free to the Public

We are also happy to offer the following videos to the general public, free of charge, click the links below to watch each video.

  • Skillshare: Saul Robbins // Crafting a Bio and Artist Statement for Fine Art Photographers
    (Coming Soon)
  • Protect Your Images Online: Presented by Oana Dospinoiu of Pixsy
    (Coming Soon)