Many ASMP Members and other photographers, videographers, and creatives have been affected by the wildfires in Los Angeles. While not a comprehensive list, below we have placed links to some resources focused on the visual arts community in Los Angeles.
For the latest, please keep an eye on the ASMP Los Angeles Chapter Instagram account.
- The Los Angeles Center for Photography – Many Resources and Links
- Resources for those who have evacuated:
- photo l.a. and Lenscratch have launched a gofundme for LA Photographers Impacted by Fires
Many more resources will be coming online in the many weeks to follow. Stay tuned to ASMP and this page in particular for the latest. Thank you and stay safe!
If you have additional resources you think should be listed, or just want to reach out and let us know how you are doing, please email us at
Featured Image: ASMP LA Member Sean Scheidt