Press Release: ASMP and NANPA Join Forces

by | Nov 18, 2022 | News, Press Release


James Edmund Datri, CEO
American Society of Media Photographers

Susan Day
North American Nature Photography Association

Release Date: November 18, 2022 

The American Society of Media Photographers and the North American Nature Photography Association Join Forces to Launch a Photography Association Designed to Deliver Unparalleled and Unique Value to Members

The American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) and the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA), two well-respected photography organizations, with over a century of experience between them, have signed an agreement to join forces to create a photography association designed to deliver unparalleled and unique value and benefits to members.

The membership of the organization will now be 6,500 strong – 4,000 legacy ASMP Members, and 2,500 legacy NANPA Members. They will get exclusive access to the combined array of member benefits including educational programs, in-person and online photography events, local and regional networking, leadership opportunities, and multi-day conferences that each organization currently offers, all without any increase in dues. A series of innovative new benefits will be rolled out in the coming months, including significant expansions focused on nature photography, advertising industry work, and the one-of-a-kind ASMP Academy Powered by Sony.

The organization will be called the American Society of Media Photographers, and will formally launch in January of 2023, with NANPA’s brand, logo, and programming prominent. A NANPA Board of Trustees focused on nature photography will operate within ASMP and have its own dedicated funding. The National Headquarters of both organizations will be consolidated to San Francisco, ASMP’s current headquarters.

ASMP’s CEO James Edmund Datri, who has over 14 years experience leading and growing prominent national member organizations, will be the CEO of the combined organization, and many of NANPA’s current contracting staff will remain to ensure continuity in the management of NANPA legacy programs, along with a permanent position dedicated to overseeing nature photography programs. All current and new nature photography programs will be associated with NANPA and will carry the NANPA brand.

“ASMP has many nature photographers in its membership; the great Ansel Adams himself was a long-time member. And NANPA has many successful media photographers in its ranks. So there will be opportunities for our members to significantly expand personal and professional networks, both in and beyond their existing areas of work,” said Michael Shay, ASMP’s Board Chair.

“Through a consolidation of expenses in a whole range of areas like accounting, database management, insurance, marketing, and administrative functions, we’ll be able to invest even more money into expanding programs and creating member benefits that you won’t be able to find anywhere else,” said Beth Huning, NANPA’s Board President.

“I am thrilled with the combination of NANPA with a longstanding professional organization with a great reputation. It is exactly what we needed at this time and will benefit our members tremendously,” said NANPA Fellow and former President, Kathy Adams Clark.

“With this new expanded structure being launched, and greatly increased membership and benefits, ASMP is the place all photographers will want to be – it’s going to be the networking and learning hub for the entire profession and field of photography, and indeed for visual content creators of all stripes,” said ASMP CEO James Edmund Datri.

In December town hall meetings, members from both organizations will have the opportunity to learn more about the combined organization, expanded programming, new benefits for members, and have the opportunity to have their questions answered.

