ASMP NE COVID-19 Resource Hub

ASMP is providing links from the worldwide community as well as resources we have created to help all photographers cope with this crisis. All links and information provided were accurate at the time of their posting, but this is a fluid and oft-changing situation, and you must check with your state and federal authorities to ensure what is referenced still applies. ASMP does not guarantee or endorse the accuracy of the information presented below — the following links are being shared as additional resources to all our members and visitors. Further, ASMP accepts no responsibility, and will not be liable for, the use of or reliance on the information provided.

ASMP New England remains on-hold for in-person programming but we are still committed to this group and providing you with the resources you need as we navigate the continued COVID-19 pandemic. We are here to offer a community for support. We are in this together. Please check back here for information on managing your business, government assistance, ASMP advocacy and virtual meet-ups.

Note: ASMP members should send in their questions and experiences to the Q&A on the ASMP National COVID-19 Info Hub.  This helps ASMP as an organization be most up to date on the very fluid coronavirus situation and get you accurate responses to issues already settled.

ASMP National COVID-19 Info Hub

ASMP Launches Business + Legal Guide for COVID-19: A Protocol for Visual Creators

A companion to ASMP’s Health + Safety Guide for COVID-19, this set of documents, forms, and videos discusses how creators should approach the business and legal issues facing them during the pandemic. This Guide, authored by ASMP General Counsel Thomas Maddrey and his team of attorneys at Maddrey PLLC, helps to identify some of the most pressing issues that the pandemic creates for your businesses.

Help ASMP Help You


Share your questions, experiences, and suggestions for Coronavirus issues with national counsel Tom Maddrey. Submit them here.

Town Hall Meetings

ASMP understands this a stressful time for photographers and all creators, and in response, ASMP held a series of virtual town hall meetings. To view previously recorded COVID-19 Town Hall Q&As, go to Town Hall Webinar Archives.

Financial Guidance & Assistance

Re-opening & Working Safely


Grants & Call For Entries

Virtual Events, Learning & Opportunities

Legal Help

Reads & Resources

Helpful Tips

Great points from Heather Elder on what to think about during a slow time:

  • Make a list of all your open jobs, with photos coming up on license, renewing licenses is income for you!
  • Repurpose imagery for your clients…”hey remember that brand image library we created? let’s go back in and see how we can make it work more for you”
  • Maintain your relationships with your clients– what are ways you can cultivate your relationships during this time?
  • You are helping creatives/art directors/creative directors create content and solve problems – what are some ways you can create more content for your clients? DIG DEEP to find ways to collaborate differently!
  • Take this time to reflect on your BRAND, photographers must think of themselves as a brand, who are you, what do you stand for, create a “vision statement”

Have a helpful link or tip? Email them to