Thoughts from ASMPNE’s New President: Kelly Davidson

© 2019 Shawn G. Henry
Dear fellow ASMP New Englanders,
After six truly amazing years, I’m not sure anyone can really replace Mike Ritter as chapter President. But I’m honored (and humbled) to try—and to put in the work it’ll take to keep us on the path Mike has set out for us.
I’ve been on and off the New England board since 2013 (off to start a family, then right back on again) as Program Chair and, most recently, Social Media Chair. And from the very beginning, it was the ASMP community that drew me in.
After leaving a staff position at The Boston Phoenix in 2005, I had gone out on my own to become a freelance photographer—hustling for work and getting caught up in the competitiveness of it all.
It was lonely.
At ASMP, I found my photo family—a brilliant, motley group of entrepreneurs and artists with answers to my questions, enthusiasm for collaboration and a patient ear for the occasional venting session. And I learned that “Photographers Helping Photographers” isn’t just a tagline. It’s something you see and feel over and over again.
I’m proud of the work I’ve done here, and proud to work with such creative, talented people.
For the past year, I’ve worked closely with Mike on the 75th Anniversary Looking to the Future conference. And as conference programming comes to an end, Mike will step over to Outreach, and I’ll take over the Presidency with Emily Long as Vice President.
We know the board is strong. But we also know it can always be stronger, smarter, more diverse. Please consider joining—and help us create the quality programs and events our members have come to expect.
And please know that regardless of whether you join or not, I want to hear from you.
What would you like to see from our chapter? How can ASMP New England better serve you as a photographer and as a small business owner? Please let us know.
I look forward to a time when I can actually see your faces. But until then, I’ll look forward to seeing you on Zoom, reading your posts and questions on Facebook and seeing your work on Instagram.
Stay safe. Stick together. Build each other up and keep each other strong.
Kelly Davidson, ASMP New England President (Get in touch!)