Order the New Next Generation Feature-Filled ASMP Media Badge
After submitting your badge, you will be taken to the cart page to complete payment for your Media Badge. Note: if payment isn’t completed, your badge will not be sent to be printed. Be one of the first to purchase the all-new ASMP Media Badge. This exclusive Members Only custom-printed badge is the perfect way to showcase your affiliation with the premier media photography trade association, ASMP.
ALL proceeds from the sale of the ASMP Media Badge will go to support the ASMP Legal / Advocacy Fund which allows ASMP to fight for the rights of photographers and visual content creators across the country, from the halls of Congress to the steps of the Supreme Court.
IMPORTANT: The ASMP Media Badge is for ID purposes only and ONLY show that you are a Member in good standing of ASMP. This badge does not and cannot guarantee access or permission to any particular event or situation. Generally in the U.S. “press credentials” are provided by the jurisdiction or authority where the event takes place. You MUST ensure that you are complying with the policy and procedure to access events or situations. When photographing, NEVER interfere with other photographers, event personnel or attendees. ALWAYS be aware of police and fire lines along with local protocol, procedures and guidelines for covering such events. NEVER not interfere with emergency personnel.
The newly-designed badge includes a host of new features including:
- Prominent photograph and “Media” designation
- A QR code which links to a brand-new descriptive page at asmp.org
- Access to the ASMP Find a Creative database via the QR code
- Personalized information including your name and ASMP number on both the front AND back
- Direct customer support from our partner, InstantCARD
And there’s more to come. Soon, ASMP will launch new versions of its Media Badge with even deeper customizable options such as links to your personal Find A Photographer portfolio, options for different colors, and custom support for teams or studios of photographers. Current ASMP Media Badge owners will have an exclusive pre-order discount period when the new features debut.
- IMPORTANT: The badge Name will read exactly as typed. If you’d like it in all caps (like the sample) you MUST enter your name in ALL CAPS.
- Can’t remember your Member Number? You can find it in My Account at the top of the Account Details page.
- Expiration date is the end date of your current membership term. You can find the detail in your member account. All orders must include an expiration date.
- Life Members should choose the “Professional” Category and are eligible for a two-year media badge. Life Member Expiration Date MUST be dated tw0-years from the date of purchase.
- After submitting your badge, you will be taken to the cart page to complete payment for your Media Badge. Note: if payment isn’t completed, your badge will not be sent to be printed.
- Order form detail will be verified before being submitted for printing.
Finally, by submitting this ASMP Media Badge order, you agree that: The American Society of Media Photographers (“ASMP”) is not liable for any incidental, consequential, direct or indirect damages (including but not limited to damages for loss of revenue, business interruption, expenses and the like) arising from the use, misuse and/or the inability to use the ASMP’s Media Badge.
You also agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless ASMP, its officers, directors, employees, and agents from and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting from any violation of this agreement (including negligent or wrongful conduct) by you or any other person using/displaying this Media Badge.
Fill out the form below to order your ASMP Media Badge: