On Wednesday, May 6 @ 6pm EST, ASMP General Counsel Thomas Maddrey will join the attorneys for photojournalist Stephanie Sinclair, the General Counsel and Deputy General Counsel for the National Press Photographers Association, and Robert Caplin from The Photo Brigade.
Register here: bit.ly/adorama-PRO
Together, this panel will examine the case of Sinclair v. Mashable (read more HERE) in which a District Court in the Southern District of New York held that by putting an image on your public Instagram feed, you agree to allow it to be embedded by publishers and broadcasters with no compensation, and this action is not copyright infringement.
This panel will include James Bartolomei, Esq. of Duncan Firm, PA, Bryan Hoben, Esq., Mickey Osterreicher and Alicia Calzada of NPPA, and Thomas Maddrey, General Counsel for ASMP. The panel will be moderated by Robert Caplin.
Tune in to AdoramaTV on YouTube to take part in the discussion or sign up and watch on Eventbrite
UPDATE: To ensure we can all take part in the discussion, Adorama will also host a watch party on Facebook on Thursday, May 7th @ 4PM EST. Our Panelists will tune in and can answer your questions in the comments!