Help ASMP Help Your Bottom Line as a Photographer & Content Creator Today

by | Jul 8, 2021 | Legal, Strictly Business Blog


Without ASMP and its continued and increasing successful investment in legal and government advocacy, the leverage we photographers have to demand full and fair compensation for our work would not exist. But your rights remain under attack, so please contribute to our legal fund here so we can continue these fights across several fronts with full resources on deck. Any amount is greatly appreciated and helps us with this important work, though if you:

  • Donate $250 or more here, we will display your name and website address before every ASMP National legal education presentation for the next year
  • Donate $1,500 or more here, and are an active ASMP member, you will also be mentioned by name in an upcoming Supreme Court brief as a representative of our professional membership who is most directly impacted by the rulings (if more than 5 donate at this level, we will recognize in successive groups of 5 in following Supreme Court briefs)

ASMP is the ONLY photo trade association that invests in having an in-house General Counsel on full-time staff, an additional on-the-ground lawyer in our Nation’s Capital who lobbies for photographers’ rights in the Congress and Executive Branch, and a CEO who was a high-level leadership staffer on Capitol Hill.

In recent years, here are just a few of the achievements of the ASMP Legal and Government Team:

  • Won passage of the landmark CASE Act to give you a cost-effective forum to enforce your rights, which we will train you how to use through a series of upcoming legal education presentations
  • Wrote the legal brief with the UCLA School of Law to help ASMP member Lynn Goldsmith prevail over the powerful Andy Warhol Foundation when fighting for the right to own the full and undiluted copyrights in her work. (Andy Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith)
  • Convinced the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a crucial case regarding the copyright registration process. This case will be heard by the Court in the Fall of 2021, and we will again be briefing the Court on the importance of these rules and how they affect all visual creators. (Unicolors v. H&M)
  • Supported photographer Rick Allen by briefing the U.S. Supreme Court as he sought to prevent the state of North Carolina from claiming “sovereign immunity” in their defense to copyright infringement. (Allen v. Cooper)
  • Convinced the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn a lower court’s decision that taking and using a photo to advertise a festival was a “fair use” under the law. (Brammer v. Violent Hues)

This represents just a fraction of the work that ASMP has done and continues to do every day to protect your rights to full and fair compensation for your work. Please help us protect those rights and your bottom line by donating here today.

Thank you,

Michael Shay
Chair, ASMP Board of Directors
