Jonathan Chester

Jonathan Chester

Mission Hills, KS 66208-173    5103815088- Cell

I have been a professional photographer and author for over 40 years.  I have shot on all seven continents, and specialize in documenting the wild, remote, and extreme, however I am equally at home in urban and rural settings, covering nature, landscapes, and environmental themes.

Jonathan Chester captures the essence of the Antarctic's most popular residents to illustrate the similarities between penguins' lives and our own.
My bestselling gift book has sold over 80,000 copies

I have shot extensively in the Himalaya, the Arctic, and Antarctica and have acquired a deep knowledge about the polar regions, with an emphasis on Antarctic wildlife.

My writing and photography has led to 18 books ranging from: Going to Extremes: Project Blizzard and Australia’s Antarctica Heritage; The Himalayan Experience The Outdoor Companion: An Environmental Handbook for Surviving and Enjoying the Outdoors; Antarctica: Beauty in the Extreme; The Loneliest Mountian: The Dramatic Story of the First Expedition to Climb Mt Minto, Antarctica, Text by Lincoln Hall Photographs by Jonathan Chester; The Nature of Penguins Busy Penguins; Splash: A Penguin Counting Book; A for Antarctica; Huskies: Polar Sledge DogsThe Young Adventurer’s Guide to Everest: From Avalanche to Zopkio; Berkeley Rocks; Extreme Digital Photography; and most recently: Flipping BrilliantTo Love is To Fly; Stay CoolMy Unflappable Mom; and Zen Penguins.

Both my wife and I were born in Australia, but we have lived in the USA for 23 years. The last thirteen of these have been in Kansas City in the heart of the Midwest.    I  regularly guide and lecture on adventure cruises aboard Russian oceanographic research vessels the, AkademiK Sergey Vavilov and the Akademik Ioffe for Canadian small ship expedition cruise company, One Ocean Expeditions in the Arctic and Antarctic.

My photography is represented by my company, Extreme Images Inc. My major clients over the years have included: Mountain Travel Sobek, Microsoft, Quokka Sports, Yahoo, Kansas City Zoo, Kennedy Miller (now Kennedy Miller Mitchell) and Andrews McMeel Publishing.