Local Resources
ASMP National Find an Assistant: https://www.asmp.org/find-an-assistant/
This is a search engine for finding ASMP member photo assistants locally and nationally.
Local DC Metro Photo Assistants: https://www.asmp.org/dc/2021/02/05/local-photo-assistants/
You will find both member and non member local photo assistants.
Camera Shops
District Camera and Imaging, Burke VA, Arlington VA, and Dupont Circle, www.districtcamera.com
Service Photo, Baltimore, MD, www.servicephoto.com
Pro Photo, Washington DC, http://www.prophotodc.com
Ace Photo / Dominion Camera, Ashburn VA, Falls Church VA, http://acephoto.net
Equipment Rental
Ace Photo / Dominion Camera, Ashburn VA, Falls Church VA, http://acephoto.net
Atmosphere Rentals, Silver Spring MD, Lighting and Production Services, http://www.atmospherelighting.com
DC Camera, Fairfax VA, https://www.dc-camera.com/
Pro Photo, Washington DC, http://www.prophotodc.com
District Camera and Imaging, Burke VA, Arlington VA, and Dupont Circle, www.districtcamera.com
Service Photo, Baltimore MD, www.servicephoto.com
Washington Source for Lighting, Hyattsville, MD, http://thewashingtonsource.com
Propeller Backdrops / Jim Vecchione, Washington DC, http://www.propellerbackdrops.com
Digital Techs
Chris Brick, Kensington MD, (210) 269-7874, chrisbirck.com
Enrique Castillo, Washington DC, Phase One Certified Professional & Technician Video DIT. www.enriquecastillophoto.com
Kristen Monthei, www.kristenmonthei.com
Kristina Sherk, Washington DC, http://www.sharkpixel.com
Colours Imaging, Falls Church VA, http://www.coloursinc.com
Dodge Chrome, DC MD VA, https://www.dodgechrome.com
Pilot Imaging, Rockville MD, http://pilotimaging.com
Studio Rental
StudiowerksDC, Washington DC, http://studiowerksdc.com
1250ft.² of Profoto equipped studio on Capitol Hill. Our goal is to make you feel like it’s your own studio, come and go by making a booking and letting yourself in with your own unique door code. Members of the studio by blocks of hours, all equipment, paper etc is included, no extra fees.
AT YOLK, Hyattsville, MD, https://atyolk.com
DC Studio Rental @ Photogroup Inc, Silver Spring MD, https://www.dcstudiorental.com
Union 206 Studios, Alexandria VA, http://www.union206.com/
Rock Creek Productions – Studios, Herndon VA, https://studios.rock-creek.com
Model Agencies / Stylists
T. H. E. Artist Agency, Washington DC, Models & Stylists Management, http://www.theartistagency.com
Sharon Duffy, Rockville MD, Stylist- fashion- On Figure, Product- table top, Soft goods, hard goods, Lay-downs, 240 355-6265 ingoodtaste14@yahoo.com
Patricia Martinez, Washington DC, Hair, Makeup and Wardrobe Styling. http://www.patriciareginamartinez.com/
Harry McMann Food Styling, Baltimore MD, Food styling for print, film, video, and live television. www.food-styling.com
MakeUp and ShapeUps, Kellie Muse, Makeup Artist/Hair & Licensed Barber available for services in the Washington DC Metropolitan area and New York City. www.kelliemuse.com
Connie Tsang Hair + Makeup, Ashburn VA, Hair, makeup, wardrobe styling for commercial shoots – still & motion (HD to ultra HD). www.makeuphairdc.com