Cross Posted from Outdoor Photographer
[Text & Photography by Russ Burden]
Your brain is a complex organ. It controls the way you think, what you do, feel, decide, etc. It consists of the left and right hemisphere. While they’re almost identical in looks, they’re completely different in what they regulate. The left side is more analytical. It governs functions that relate to logic, math, analysis, sequencing and numbers. The right side is more intuitive, creative and visual. Functions that relate to the arts, music, rhythm and daydreaming are controlled by it.
People often identify themselves as being more right-brained or more left-brained depending on the job they choose or how they see the world. Photography is said to be a right-brain field, but ironically, as cameras have become very complex and continue to grow even more sophisticated, photographers need to be both right- and left-brained. While it pains a large percentage of camera purchasers to RTM (Read The Manual), to get the most out of the bodies they purchase, it’s important to engage left-brain functions so the right-brain creative aspects can be utilized to the fullest.