Cleveland, Ohio
Image © Barney Taxel
“Chicken Skin Fried”
First Place – Editorial
“The chef began zesting the fried chicken skins with what I believe was lemon rind and I said ‘please do that again’ and this photograph happened.”
ASMP: What was your inspiration for taking this photo?
Barney Taxel: A commission from Cleveland Magazine for their annual Silver Spoons issue, 2017. After the dish was put on the set (location: The Plum, Cleveland, Ohio).
ASMP: What type of setting do you prefer?
BT: Just about anywhere.
ASMP: Is there anything unique about your style or approach?
BT: Not really… staying open – listening and responding plus lighting lighting lighting.
ASMP: What type of lighting did you use for this image or series?
BT: One small soft box and one grid… some ambient exposure.
ASMP: How long have you been shooting this type of photography?
BT: 35+ years
ASMP: What other photographers’ or artists’ work inspires you?
BT: Originally Magritte and Picasso… then the great classical 20th century photographers from Adams to White, from Siskind to Caponigro and Penn. I studied with Minor White – big influence.
ASMP: When did you join ASMP and what do you find most valuable about your membership?
BT: In 1984. Rights advocacy – both lobbying and client education – and Find A Photographer. Locally, professional collegial connection.
ASMP: What kind of gear do you use?
BT: Canon DSLR, Sony Mirrorless. Monolights on location- AC and DC. Strobe and some tungsten lighting in the studio. Lots of soft boxes, light shapers and reflectors.
ASMP: What do you know now that you wish you had known when you first started your career as a photographer?
BT: Not much… if I had known any of it, there would not be reason to continue. A career in photography is a life of discovery. Whether about business, art or relationships.