2018 Spaces Second Place Winner Profile – Irvin Serrano

by | Jul 11, 2018 | Contests, Spaces 2018

Biddeford, Maine
Image © Irvin Serrano

“Coastal Home”

Second Place – Editorial

ASMP: What was your inspiration for taking this photo?

Irvin Serrano: The location speaks for itself.

This was a unique project in many ways given that it had a great team behind it and the construction budget was unparalleled. This provided the build/design team with the opportunity to really showcase their talents. Our team decided that one day on this location was not enough to capture all the project had to offer, so we decided to spend two days on location.

ASMP: Is there anything unique about your style or approach?

IS: I consider my style somewhat illustrative for a lack of a better word. I try to strike a balance between what is objectively there and the feeling the location evokes in me. Although this project was editorial in nature, my team and I don’t make a distinction between a commercial project and an editorial one. We approach it with the same care and aesthetic vision, attempting to craft an image that pushes the technical boundaries of our tools while showcasing the materials used and the design at its best, while at the same time capturing the essence of the space.

ASMP: What type of lighting did you use for this image or series?

IS: This particular image was created using only available light and blending several exposures.

ASMP: How long have you been shooting this type of photography?

WIS: I have been photographing architecture since 1999 but acquired a taste for it back in photography school.

ASMP: What is the more important relationship you’ve formed through your ASMP membership?

IS: I can’t really say there has been a single most important relationship formed through the ASMP but there have been many valuable connections I have made. Anywhere from fellow photographers to assistants, people that I can now consider friends.

ASMP: What kind of gear do you use?

IS: I photograph with Canon cameras and Profoto strobes.
