2018 Spaces Second Place Winner Profile – David Lauer

by | Jul 11, 2018 | Contests, Spaces 2018

Denver, Colorado
Image © David Lauer
Designed by Studiotrope Design Collective

Corky Colors

Second Place – Advertising

ASMP: What was your inspiration for taking this photo?

David Lauer: The buildings unique colored stripes and it’s close proximity to the busy Colfax Avenue gave me the idea of traffic light streaks unifying the building to its environment. In addition I wanted to show other activity of people in the building as well as on the street – referencing the “community” aspect of design intent.

ASMP: What type of setting do you prefer?

DL: I shoot interiors and exteriors, both small and large scale but I especially enjoy photographing buildings that have a strong connection to nature.

ASMP: Is there anything unique about your style or approach?

DL: I’ve been told my work often has a “cinematic” quality. Fitting as I worked in feature film visual effects for almost 20 years before starting my photography business.

ASMP: How long have you been shooting this type of photography?

DL: I have been shooting architectural photography professionally for about 6 years but have always loved architecture and design.

ASMP: What other photographers’ or artists’ work inspires you?

DL: Tim Griffith, Scott Frances, Ezra Stoller

ASMP: When did you join ASMP and what do you find most valuable about your membership?

DL: About 2 years ago. I enjoy the local events to socialize and learn from other photographers.

ASMP: What kind of gear do you use?

DL: Canon lenses, often the Tilt-Shift lenses. The new 50mm TSE is fantastic! I have several bodies I use these with: Canon 5ds, 5d4 and a Sony A7Riii with a Metabones lens adaptor.

ASMP: Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about yourself and/or your work? Go ahead, surprise us with something unique and unusual.

DL: My extensive experience in the visual effects field advanced my skills at seeing all the details that go into an image. Even though many of my images have a lot of post-processing done to them I am very sensitive to keep the final result natural looking, especially relating to quality of light.
