Hua Hin, Thailand
Image © Viraj Andrew Bunnag
Abstract Organic White
First Place – Self Promotion / Personal
ASMP: What was your inspiration for taking this photo?
Viraj Andrew Bunnag: I was always fascinated by the Sagrada Familia. The huge scale of the interior space was stunning. Looking up towards the ceiling I wanted to capture the vastness of this space from a lower angle. I was inspired by some scenes from a few Sci-fi movies that show massive interior spaces.
ASMP: What type of setting do you prefer?
VAB: Mostly manual settings for full control.
ASMP: Is there anything unique about your style or approach?
VAB: I don’t think so. When I was taking this shot I had already decided that I wanted a monochrome treatment, almost a high key or an Ambient Occlusion bleached style look.
ASMP: What type of lighting did you use for this image or series?
VAB: Whatever natural lighting available at the time was enough but having a fast lens also helps.
ASMP: What other photographers’ or artists’ work inspires you?
VAB: Steve McCurry, Irving Penn, Philippe Halsman, Agata Serge, Henri Cartier-Bresson, to name a few.
ASMP: When did you join ASMP and what do you find most valuable about your membership?
VAB: I joined in 2016 and appreciate the valuable resources provided by ASMP.
ASMP: What is the more important relationship you’ve formed through your ASMP membership?
VAB: Currently I am based outside the US so unfortunately it’s hard for me to network locally with fellow members.
ASMP: What kind of gear do you use?
VAB: Mostly Nikon DSLR for most of the work that I do. If I need a medium format then I would just rent one for that particular job. I do love my Leica M-P which I use constantly for portrait and street photography.
ASMP: What do you know now that you wish you had known when you first started your career as a photographer?
VAB: You actually spend more time networking, management and the business side of things than you actually do behind the lens