Letter from the President
A message from our new
President, Paul Weinrauch
It is with great excitement and honor, that I will be undertaking the task of being your ASMP Colorado President for the next 2 years. I would like to thank Caleb Tkach for his exceptional service as our past President and his continued work on the board.
As I consider what I would like to accomplish over the next 2 years, my goals are to continue to help educate, network with, and support all Colorado ASMP members. I will work with National ASMP and our Colorado board to advance the local and national interests of both still and motion photographers.
I joined ASMP because I knew I couldn’t do this alone. We must support each other and work together so that we can collectively thrive. I am excited to watch 2018 unfold as we host new meetups, workshops, speakers, and look forward to having another successful year while seeing everyone at our 2018 events!
Each one of us, is but a cog in the wheel and ASMP Colorado would not exist if it wasn’t for our collective effort. In December we elected a new board and I am excited to see what we can do but we are still looking to fill several positions on the board. Please contact me or one of the other board members if you are interested in serving an awesome creative community.
The present board and officers are:
President – Paul Weinrauch
Vice President – Al Milligan
Education/Outreach Chair – Howard Paul
Treasurer/Secretary – Jen Magnuson
Membership Chair – Paul Trantow
Social Media Chair – Stephanie Barber
Newsletter – Ella Dascalos
Webmaster & Election Chair – Larry Goodwin
Events Chair – Katie Warnke
Sponsorship Chair – Rick Souders
Paul Weinrauch weinrauchphotography.com
Photo Compliments of Torrean Weinrauch