See your picture featured on ASMP Colorado

Screenshot of carousel
If you’re a member of ASMP Colorado, we would like to feature one of your favorite pictures in the carousel atop our home page. Your picture in the slideshow will link directly to your Find A Photographer or Find An Assistant page, offering you great exposure as you help us show the value of working with ASMP members.
Please submit up to three favorite photographs that reflect your professional style and vision. Send them to, and we will select one of your pictures to be featured. We accept submissions at any time, but they must follow these specifications:
- Images should be JPEG files, 72 ppi, sRGB, 820 pixels on the horizontal dimension, with 820 x 480 pixels preferred.
- Strong horizontals work best.
- Your file names should include your-name_subject-name.jpg (e.g.: AnselAdams-Moonrise1.jpg).
- Please include in your email a link to your Find A Photographer or Find An Assistant page on the ASMP website.
- If you have a short testimonial about the value of your ASMP membership, please share it as well – in text and/or video!
Also, please tell us exactly how you would like your name to read.