Colorado Chapter Returns $1000 to National ASMP organization

Money photo from Howard Paul

Letter written to ASMP National Executive Director Tom Kennedy.

Dear Tom,
As the COVID pandemic wreaks havoc upon our industry, trade associations and the financial climate of the world, we realize ASMP has suffered a substantial and significant reduction in dues income. Nonetheless, the immense amount of work going into producing weekly Town Hall webinars, building a stellar COVID hub and organizing a number of membership appreciation webinars for June is outstanding and we are grateful.

ASMP’s efforts have enabled members to comprehend, navigate and receive funding from the EIDL, the PPP and unemployment. One of our members secured a PPP approval within two hours — during a Town Hall! — and funds within six days, thanks to Tom Maddrey. The COVID webinars are helping us move forward and give us insight into what the future of our industry may hold. Keeping us updated on issues affecting photographers and creatives, and guiding us on how to support those efforts is a gift.

The money that members have been able to obtain and the knowledge is worth many times more than our annual dues.

We recognize and greatly appreciate the lengths ASMP has gone to while still dealing with declining revenue. It’s increased the value of our membership and given us a reason to reach out to our active and recently expired member list to be sure they know all the resources available to us. To help support these ongoing efforts, our Colorado Chapter Board has voted to revert $1000 of our chapter allotment back to ASMP National. Please let us know how else we may help. We want to see ASMP continue in perpetuity as a strong force in the photography world and beyond.

With respect and admiration from the Rocky Mountains,
Katie Warnke
ASMP Colorado Chapter President