ASMP Colorado Diversity, Equity Inclusion Statement and Mission

ASMP Colorado stands with the Black community and others against injustice, systemic racism and marginalization of Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC). We condemn racism of any kind.
We have embarked on a long-overdue reckoning with privilege and inequities.
We acknowledge our chapter has not done enough to represent and welcome people of color. We have begun and will continue an open, honest discussion of actions to address oppression and racism in Colorado and in the photographic community. As an organization, we are reaching out to include and advocate for BIPOC communities.
As a start:
- We will continue to expand the number of BIPOC photographers on our board, in our membership, and include BIPOC imagery in our communications. This includes the commissioned Diversity, Equity and Inclusion logo we commissioned as a welcoming symbol to all.
- We are engaged in conversations about how we can make ASMP Colorado membership more accessible and relevant to BIPOC photographers.
- We will feature BIPOC speakers and guests at our events.
- We will support BIPOC businesses.
- We will develop educational and mentorship programs focused on removing barriers to enter our industry.
- We will not only recognize systemic racism and institutional favoring but also consider our personal biases and privileges.
- We will establish a scholarship that supports BIPOC students.
While ASMP has always helped its members be their best creatively and in business, we must do more to ensure we fully support all who seek photographic careers. Our board commits itself to equity and inclusion, and to becoming a catalyst for lasting change.
If you are interested in becoming a member or would like to join the ASMP Colorado Board of Directors, please reach out. We continue to seek new members and leaders from a diverse mix of race, ethnicity, gender identity, age, sexual orientation and ability.
We want to better serve our BIPOC communities and all photographers. Please contact us with your questions, ideas or recommendations: We are listening.
— ASMP Colorado Board of Directors