Steven Begleiter’s Latest Book – Photographic Lighting for Everybody: Techniques for Mastering Light with Any Camera-Including iPhone (Pro Photo Series)

by | Sep 17, 2021 | ASMP Bookshelf, Strictly Business Blog

The best camera is the one you have with you. Whether that’s a high-tech DSLR, a consumer point-and-shoot, or simply your SmartPhone, there’s a common denominator that will determine the visual impact of the images you create: the light. Identifying beautiful light (or creating/modifying the light) takes experience, observation, and a knowledge the fundamentals of lighting. Learning how to visualize the intended image in your mind’s eye and translate that vision onto a two-dimensional plane is, as this book will show, far more important than what device you actually use to record that image. If you have ever looked at an amazing scene or subject but been disappointed by your photos of it—this is the book for you! Through examples and exercises, the author challenges you creatively, starting with the very basics of lighting and building a knowledge base that you can apply to your growth as a photographer at any stage, and with any camera.

See more details about this book including video lighting lesson



“Steven is a wealth of information when it comes to lighting for photography. This book is well worth reading for the pro photographer as well as the beginner.” ―Bill Bernstein, Bill Bernstein Photography
“This book is both comprehensive and inspiring. I wish I had read it 20 years ago so I didn’t have to learn all these lessons the hard way.” ―Bob Sacha, director, cinematographer, and photographer

About the Author

Steven H. Begleiter is an award-winning Denver based commercial photographer and an Adjunct Professor at the prestigious Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design (RMCAD).

He is celebrating his 38 years as a professional photographer and his 20th year of teaching with his 6th book “ Photographic Lighting for Everybody” His previous five books are the seminal Fathers and Sons, (1989 Abbeville Press) and his instructional books: The Art of Color Infrared Photography, The Portrait Book, A Guide for Photographers and 50 Lighting Setups for the Portrait Photographer Vol. 1 and Vol 2. (Amherst Media)

His professional career began in 1980 as first photo assistant to Annie Leibovitz and Mary Ellen Mark.

His work has appeared in Esquire, Newsweek, Big Sky Journal, Us Weekly, Forbes, Elle, Business Week, on the cover of Time. He has done assignments for Fortune 500 annual reports and worked on national advertising campaigns. He is a recipient of a Greater Philadelphia Cultural Association Grant and the State of Montana has purchased his work for their permanent collection. He has served on the board of the Philadelphia chapter of the American Society of Media Photographers for three years.

He has been awarded 5 Spider Awards for Black and White Photography; 3 Master Cups in color photography; Best of 2019 for personal work from the ASMP and most recently was a finalist in the prestigious Communication Arts 2020 Photographic Competition.

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