Join ASMP on Capitol Hill in Support of CASE Act – July 17th & 18th

by | Jul 11, 2019 | Advocacy, Copyright Reform, Small Claims Report, Strictly Business Blog

© Michael Judkins

Make Your Voice Heard on Capitol Hill.

Join ASMP and other creators for July Advocacy ‘Fly-In’ scheduled this week – July 17th & 18th.

7.15.19 Editor’s Note: See schedule updates below.

ASMP and its community of visual creator groups have pivoted CASE Act advocacy efforts towards the Senate this month and scheduled a rash of in-person and online advocacy activities, as the Senate Judiciary Committee (SJC) moves the CASE Act forward with a mark-up hearing scheduled for Thursday, July 18th.

To secure additional support of the Senate CASE Act bill (S. 1273) among members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, we want to show strength in numbers to current non-sponsoring Senators on the Committee, so we invite you to participate in the legislative experience by joining ASMP on Capitol Hill for briefings, meetings, and hearings scheduled for July 17th and 18th.

If you can join us on July 17th and/or July 18th, please send an RSVP to So that the  Fly-In coordinators can accommodate members in meeting schedules, please include the following information in your email:

  • Creator name
  • City + state + zip code
  • Occupation (ex: songwriter, photographer, designer, etc.)
  • Email address

Current Capitol Hill Schedule

SCHEDULE Update: SJC Copyright Oversight Hearing  has been cancelled for July 17th and is now scheduled for July 30, 2019 @ 2:30pm Senate Oversight Hearing on United States Copyright Office (Location: Senate Dirksen Building, Room 226)

July 17, 2019 – CASE Act Briefing and Meetings with Legislators (Schedule/locations to be sent out July 16th directly to those who signed up)

July 18, 2019 @ 8:30am – 9:30amET – Creator Breakfast Briefing ( Russell Senate Building, Room 485) Street address: 2 Constitution Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20002 – Meet Up with Creators and Advocates, and Pick Up Blue Creator t-shirts

July 18, 2019 @ 10amET –  Senate Mark-Up Hearing on CASE Act bill S. 1273 (Location: Dirksen Senate Building, Room 226 – Public entrance on Constitution Avenue)

July 18, 2019  – Meetings with Legislators (Schedule/locations to be sent out July 17th directly to those who signed up)

Online CASE Act Campaign

If you are unable to join us on Capitol Hill to lobby Senators in July, please TAKE ACTION ONLINE to urge support of the CASE Act by members of the Senate Judiciary Committee – AS EVERY VOICE COUNTS!

For more information about the CASE Act, go to CASE Act Central.

