Advocacy Campaigns
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
– Margaret Mead
Photo courtesy Colin Dewar
The mission of ASMP Advocacy efforts are designed to empower still and motion photographers, and associated imaging professionals; and educate both members and non-members about policies that impact both the person and the profession.
ASMP Advocacy Update: The FILM Act Is Signed Into Law
For more than a two years, ASMP and NANPA, along with their sister organizations PPA and NPPA, have been working on a problem that has plagued photographers and videographers across the country. For many who photograph...
Biden Signs Law Making it Easier to Photograph and Film in National Parks
Image: Depositphotos Cross-posted from [by Jeremy Gray] Days before Christmas, the United States Senate passed a wide-ranging bill, the EXPLORE Act, which included provisions to reform how filming permits...
Advocacy Alert! Drone Legislation to Watch / Comment
This Advocacy Alert comes via the Drone Advocacy Alliance, a lobbying group focused on legislation that affects drones and drone pilots. Tomorrow, February 15, a Congressional subcommittee will hold a hearing on H.R....
BREAKING NEWS: Lynn Goldsmith Prevails in 7-2 Supreme Court Decision
AUTHORS NOTE: This post will be updated with more analysis throughout the coming days. This morning, the US Supreme Court released its opinion The Andy Warhol Foundation v. Goldsmith (linked here and in-line in this...
ASMP Livestream – Warhol v. Goldsmith: The Day Is Here!
Photo Courtesy / ©Lynn Goldsmith [ASMP's Live Coverage Begins Wednesday @ 9:00am ET HERE] On Wednesday, October 12 at 10:00am ET, famed photographer and ASMP member Lynn Goldsmith will have her day in front of the U.S....
Breaking News – Big Copyright Win at US Supreme Court in Unicolors
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its opinion in Unicolors v. H&M, a case that is important for all creators and copyright registrants. ASMP General Counsel Thomas Maddrey drafted an amicus brief in this case on...
ASMP Advocacy Update: The FILM Act Is Signed Into Law
For more than a two years, ASMP and NANPA, along with their sister organizations PPA and NPPA, have been working on a problem that has plagued photographers and videographers across the country. For many who photograph...
Biden Signs Law Making it Easier to Photograph and Film in National Parks
Image: Depositphotos Cross-posted from [by Jeremy Gray] Days before Christmas, the United States Senate passed a wide-ranging bill, the EXPLORE Act, which included provisions to reform how filming permits...
ASMP Advocacy Update: The FILM Act Is Signed Into Law
For more than a two years, ASMP and NANPA, along with their sister organizations PPA and NPPA, have been working on a problem that has plagued...